Trusted | Experienced | Professional

Why do you need a home or building inspection?

Because home and building inspections take the guesswork out of purchasing a property. A qualified and professional home inspector helps minimise the risks of potential repair and maintenance costs.

The estimated value of any property can be influenced by a professional building inspection and help to determine the true value of a property. The reports they provide distinguish in black and white the true condition of the property about to be purchased.

Ready to talk?

A qualified and professional home inspector helps minimise the risks of potential repair and maintenance costs. Contact us now.

Common FAQ’s regarding building Inspections

How much does a professional Home Inspection Cost?

Remember the cheapest price may not get you the best value. Be sure to do your homework before soliciting bids so you can compare apples for apples. For a single home, a report would cost $695

What Does the Inspection Cover?
Not all home inspectors cover the same thing and special reports may be required. For a list of what Fairview Property Inspections Ltd covers, please check under Services.
Does an Inspector Need a lot of Experience?
During your due diligence, this is one of the factors to take into consideration when choosing someone to inspect your property. They should be upfront with their experience and be able to supply references.
Will the Inspection Take Long?
That depends on how busy the inspector, homeowner or real estate agents are in order to get an inspection scheduled. Once the inspection begins, you can expect anywhere from one to two hours depending on the size and age of the property.
What Type of Report Can I Expect and When Can I Expect it?
A complete unbiased report showing all the components and areas inspected should be submitted including photos, illustrations and explanations or solutions on how to fix the troubled areas. We usually try to get the report into the hands of our clients within 24 hours after completion of the inspection.
Can I Attend the Inspection?
We have no objection to a homeowner or purchaser attending our inspections. That way you can see what potential problems exist, knowing what is normal, or not, and what you need to do to maintain your property.
Can my Home Fail an Inspection?
The purpose of an inspection is to root out any problem areas so it is not a fail or pass situation. Lenders may require certain things to be repaired before doing any financing, but as a potential homeowner or seller of property, you will want to know what and where the problem areas are.
Who is Responsible for Fixing the Problems?
If problems are discovered during the inspection both parties will be notified. The seller is not duty bound to fix any problems and the cost of these can be negotiated before any contract is completed. If the seller refuses to fix the issues the buyer might negotiate a lower price or fix the problems themselves. All of this will be worked out between the two parties.

Rob Cane From Fairview Building Inspections discusses important information about building inspections you need to know.


Including,.. what are the qualifications for a building inspector?            & How to choose a building inspector?

Ready to talk?

A qualified and professional home inspector helps minimise the risks of potential repair and maintenance costs. Contact us now.

We would love to work with you, so if you have any questions or want to get your building report and house inspection started, get in touch with our friendly team. Rapid turnaround for trusted residential and commercial property building inspections in the greater Auckland area. Verbal, written or full bank reports within 24 hours.