About Us
Trusted | Experienced | ProfessionalRob has been in the building industry and property inspection business for more than 30 years. That’s invaluable experience you’ll want onside when making possibly your biggest property investment or sale, ever.

Experience That Counts!
With over 20 years of general building experience “on the tools” Rob’s specialty was general waterproofing, bathrooms and wet areas, issues with tiling and assessing reclad houses.
Transitioning to property inspections in Auckland 10 years ago, Rob has developed his sixth sense for robust structures and he knows exactly where to look for defects and potential issues, and what to look for.
It concerns him most people don’t know the property inspection industry is unregulated, and that attracts unqualified, untrained operators.
That’s why getting a qualified professional building inspector with verifiable experience you can trust is so important, he says.
A certified, registered Licenced Building Practitioner – # 126313 – you’ll receive more than credible building reports; Rob insists his clients feel reassured too. Whether it’s Pre-purchase Inspections for purchasers or sellers, Bank Reports or Insurance Rebuild Quotes, you’ll receive thorough information on time.
Straight-talking and practical, Rob gives his clients the ‘heads up’ around any issues in easy-to-grasp terms.
“I make sure my clients fully understand their building reports and any implications because for you – knowledge protects your future.”

Over 5000 Satisfied Customers
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021 250 1188
We would love to work with you, so if you have any questions or want to get your building report and house inspection started, get in touch with our friendly team. Rapid turnaround for trusted residential and commercial property building inspections in the greater Auckland area. Verbal, written or full bank reports within 24 hours.